The US must remember its history with Native Americans to know the problems between Israel and Palestine are not going to end as long as settlers keep encroaching on Palestinian Territories.
How similar this situation is to what were conveniently called “Indian Wars.” That label allowed the military to ride into an encampment of peaceful Arapahos and Cheyennes and butcher them in predawn hours. The horror of Sand Creek Massacre and the vulgar display of body parts by the Calvary left many repulsed.
Indians had been placed on a “safe” reservation at Sand Creek much as Palestinians have been placed into a walled ghetto. Reservations have no walls, but the intention was the same. Keep them where they could be watched and their hunting territories could be built on by settlers.
Humans must stop living in fear of others. The back and forth of violence and revenge is self defeating to the future of humanity. Let’s redesign our cultures to look more like this.
First practice kindness and compassion. Don’t elevate politicians, religious leaders, and the rich and famous to be Demi gods that are superior to all humans. All humans have worth regardless of their path. Don’t take what isn’t yours. Facts and lies are different. Teach our youth how to discern the difference. Fear causes us to shut down the critical thinking parts of our brains. The real power in life comes in practicing self control not in controlling others.
The earth has a finite amount of resources and humans must realize that if we cannot learn the skill of living within our means and the skill of cooperation we will all suffer. By choosing to eliminate the competition we also eliminate those that could assist us.
We can choose to paddle this single canoe we are on or drill holes in the hull. Tossing those we fear overboard can’t be the solution.
Hi David,
My family still lives on the Wind River Reservation where I also lived for 25 years on a sheep ranch. I am a tribal member. My great-great grandmother and her brother survived Sand Creek Massacre. What you have asked is actually true about not having ownership in land. The Earth is thought of as the one who nourishes all life equally. So the idea of owning a piece of our mother would be incongruous with our belief in the universe.
Thank you for your thought provoking questions. I have great respect for your openness.
It may have been one of the Hopi tribal elders who said to a researcher when he was asked about the ever disappearing boundary lines of the reservation, “Don’t worry, the non-Indians will out smart themselves one day.”
I share that with you as I see this as the way of the universe. If we continue to treat our Mother Earth as an all-you-can-eat buffet, she will find her own way to bring balance back.
Be well